The world needs help.

The world needs help.

Juanita OmaniWi Adams story.

Juanita was 19 years old when she left the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to protest with the American Indian Movement during their Longest Walk in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1978. Her last known whereabouts were in Nashville, Tennessee where authorities believe she may have gotten a ride from a truck driver who promised to bring her home. She was never heard from again.

Tragically, Juanita's remains were discovered on May 22nd, 1980 by a survey crew in the southbound lane of Interstate 985 (then Ga.365) near a former rest stop in Hall County, Georgia. Evidence surrounding the body (including a glass eye) led police to believe the victim had sustained major head trauma prior to their death, and far prior to their murder. Juanita had suffered a severe car accident in the years prior to her disappearance which resulted in the loss of her right eye. Still, her remains would stay unidentified for 30 years.

In 2010, a member of Juanita's family saw a new forensic reconstruction of the decedent then known as The Lady with the Glass Eye and immediately felt the description matched Juanita. A coral/turquoise ring found with the remains matched the description of one belonging to Juanita in addition to the physical evidence pointing to her identity. Juanita was officially identified via DNA in 2011.

Authorities have stated that a cause of death could not be confirmed in Juanita's case. Her family believes she was "brutally murdered." Juanita left behind a three-year-old son. May she rest in presence and may her family and community receive justice.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance or death of Juanita Adams, you are encouraged to contact the Hall County Sheriff's Office.

Riley schultz story.


March 15, 2019, Marine Corps Lance Corporal Riley Schultz was found dead by a co-worker who was planning on replacing him as the sole gate guard for a post at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California. After a military investigation and autopsy, the Marine Corps ruled Riley’s death was suicide by self inflicted gunshot wound. 

Riley’s family was immediately suspicious because they know Riley better than anyone and shared that being in the USMC was a lifelong dream of his and he was the happiest he had ever been at the time of his death. His family knows in their heart that Riley did not kill himself and does not accept the findings of the USMC authorities. 

The family requests that Riley’s death be investigated as a homicide and feel the USMC has shut them out because they dared to question the cause of death. Given the importance of a victimology and the military’s proven history of ruling homicide as suicide, the family has every right to question the military & ask for a more thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding Riley’s mysterious death. 

The military is not infallible (incapable of making mistakes). Where do our military families turn when they question a federal government ruling or the only agency who has jurisdiction of the incident? 

Please learn more by clicking the link in bio: 

The english sweating sickness.

The English Sweating Sickness caused five devastating epidemics between 1485 and 1551, with a mortality rate between 30%-50%. Just as quickly as it came, it left the continent, and still remains unidentified by epidemiologists today.

​It began with a sense of apprehension. The patient would find themselves shaking from an  sense of cold, complaining of a headache, and maybe even experience severe pains in their upper limbs and neck. This stageled. Several people were recorded to experience the Sweating Sickness on multiple occasions before dying, and that testament is confirmed by it's five recurrent outbreaks in 1485, 1508, 1517, 1528, and 1551. In fact, it was not uncommon for patients to have several attacks, and it occurred most often during the summer months.

This disease, oddly, was nearly entirely confined to England, except in 1528-29, where it spread to the European continent in Hamburg, Scandinavia, and eastward to Lithuania, Poland, and Russia. Interestingly, the disease did not spread to France or Italy.

With regard to incubation time (the amount of time needed for the ingested viral particles to reproduce enough in order to elicit symptoms), the most reliable source surrounds the movement of the military and reports of the sickness afterwards. For example, one writer mentions that there were reports of the sweating sickness in England on the 19th of September; following this, there were other records of the disease in the troops of Henry VII during or after the arrival of the Army in Wales on the 7th of August, and the Battle of Bosworth on the 22nd of August. This suggests that the incubation time could be anywhere from 1 to 29 days after exposure.

In contrast to many medieval epidemics, the sweating sickness did not primarily affect the young and old (weak and underdeveloped immune systems), but the middle-aged, professionally active section of the population--especially the wealthy, upper-class males. Due to some reports of the illness occurring between outbreaks, it is suggested that rats could be the vector of disease--and if the sweat was in fact rodent-borne, the black rat is likely the prime candidate.

The sweating sickness appeared and disappeared geographically at random. Both the duration and the mortality of the outbreaks varied; for example, the third outbreak (1517) was more deadly than the second (1508). For many reasons, including the inconsistency of the outbreaks, human-to-human transmission is considered to be less likely due to the restriction of the disease to England, despite trade by ships.

Since the disease was very isolated in both outbreak and occurrence, historical medical sources are rare on the subject. The disease was fully described first by the physician John Caius in 1551. Practicing in Shrewsbury, he recorded an outbreak in his account, A Boke or Counseill Against the Disease Commonly Called the Sweate, or Sweatyng Sicknesse (1552). This single account is the main historical source of knowledge on this disease. Thomas More (councilor of Henry VII, who fell out of grace and was beheaded) once described the disease as "more harmful than the sword."

Theories Surrounding the Cause

While speculation surrounds sewage, generally poor sanitation of the time, and possibly contaminated water supplies (such as in the Bubonic Plague), no one truly knows what this illness was spawned from or what the modern identification of this illness could be.

Modern researchers of historical diseases have offered a handful of possible suspects as the real cause of the illness, including:

  • Relapsing fever, which is spread by ticks and lice. It occurs most often during the summer months (like the sweating sickness). However, relapsing fever has two other distinguishing symptoms which weren't mentioned in John Caius' account: a prominent black scab at the site of the tick bite, and a subsequent skin rash.
  • Ergot Poisoning, which is a mold that grows on rye and is the main cause of ergotism. This is most commonly known as being the prime suspect in the Salem Witch Trials in North America. However, this theory was ruled out due to England having a significantly less amount of rye than the rest of Europe, which would indicate a different pattern of transmission across the continent.
  • Anthrax Poisoning, as offered in 2004 by a microbiologist named Edward ScSweegan. He theorized that the victims could have been infected with anthrax spores present in raw wool or infected animal carcasses. Anthrax poisoning varies depending on the method of ingestion;
    • if it's cutaneous (skin) anthrax poisoning, then the patient should present with blisters, swelling, and a painless skin sore (ulcer) with a black center that appears after the blisters or bumps.
      • This is the least dangerous form, and without treatment, up to 20% of people with cutaneous anthrax die.
    • If it's inhalation anthrax poisoning (e.g. you breathe in the spores), the symptoms should be fever, chills, chest discomfort, nausea/vomiting/stomach pains, drenching sweats, and cough. This is a big risk with people who work in wool mills, slaughterhouses, and tanneries. It starts primarily in the lymph nodes in the chest before spreading throughout the rest of the body, usually ending in severe breathing problems and shock.
      • This is considered to be the most deadly form of anthrax, but infection usually develops within a week after exposure--but can also take up to two months to develop symptoms. Without treatment, it's almost always fatal; with aggressive treatment, about 55% of patients survive.
    • If it's gastrointestinal anthrax (e.g. a person eats raw or undercooked meat from an animal infected with anthrax), then the ingested anthrax spores are released and can affect the upper gastrointestinal tract (throat and esophagus), stomach, and intestines, causing a wide variety of symptoms. Symptoms could include fever/chills, swelling of neck/neck glands, sore throat, painful swallowing, hoarseness, blood vomit, diarrhea/bloody diarrhea, headache, red face/eyes, stomach pain, fainting, and swelling of the stomach.
      • Without treatment, more than half of the patients with GI anthrax will die; with proper treatment, 60% live.

The Picardy Sweat

Nearly 200 years after the mysterious English sweating sickness last reared its head, a similar virus reappeared in the northern region of France in 1718. In the province of Picardy, there were reports of a sweat that bore a resemblance to the English sweating sickness.

While the sweat began in northern France, outbreaks occurred in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy. Between 1718 and 1874, 194 epidemics of the Picardy sweat were recorded. The last extensive outbreak was in 1906, and the last case known and diagnosed as the Picardy sweat was in 1918 during WWI.

Unlike the English sweating sickness, there were two main types of Picardy sweat: one that was benign similar to Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), and one more severe form that resembled the English sweat. The rate of transmission was anywhere from 25-30% of the population, but the mortality rate was between 0-20%. Similar to the English sweat, the more severe version of the Picardy sweat showed patients with intense sweating, high fever, a rash, and bleeding from the nose--but the symptoms were also less fatal. Many of these victims, were they to die, died within two days.

Why Do We Care?

One major candidate for this sweating sickness that I have yet to name are the hantaviruses. In 1997, it was suggested that the English Sweat was caused by a medieval ancestor of the hantaviruses. As some of you may know, hantaviruses have appeared in North America. As of January 2017, 728 cases of hantavirus disease have been reported since surveillance in the United States began in 1993.

Hantaviruses have primarily affected men (67%) more than women (37%), mostly occurring in white people (78%), patients having a mean age of 38 years (range: 5 years to 84 years), and a 36% mortality rate. It was most commonly found in states west of the Mississippi, with the most cases in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and California, respectively.

Hantaviruses are found in the urine, saliva, or droppings of infected deer mice and other wild rodents. It's mostly known for causing a rare but very serious lung disease called Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). It can be contracted through inhalation of droplets or dust, or when contaminated material gets into broken skin or ingested. The symptoms appear within 1 to 5 weeks after exposure, with the average being 2-4 weeks. It begins as a flu-like illness, with fever, chills, headaches, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat. From there, the disease progresses rapidly and infected people will experience an abnormal fall in blood pressure as their lungs fill with fluid, leading to severe respiratory failure. It can occur within a few days of the early stage symptoms. There are no known cures or treatments for hantavirus in the modern day.

The English Sweating Sickness, the Picardy Sweat (and it's version similar to HFRS), and HPS all seem to have many overlapping symptoms (see a table comparison here). The incubation time is similar to that of hantaviruses, and many other overlaps exist between the onset of symptoms. While it can't be confirmed without uncertainty that it was a hantavirus, the gaps between outbreaks are uncanny--there was a gap of 150 years between the English sweat and the Picardy sweat, and a gap of more than 100 years between the Picardy sweat and the hantavirus epidemics of today.

​Especially in the era of SARS (COVID-19), we can appreciate what learning about these ancient viruses can do for modern healthcare. Hantaviruses and hantavirus infections have been detected and described on all continents except Australia, and are an increasing health problem in many countries. Learning more about these viruses allows researchers to learn more about what methods may be effective in combating illness caused by these viruses. Learning if these illnesses could be culprit for ancient illnesses can help describe the progression of the virus genetically, which can allow for the progression of a treatment today



Everything happens for a reason.

A King had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to him; My king, do not be discouraged because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes. One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king, the servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said; if God was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger. The servant replied, 'despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything He does is perfect, He is never wrong'. Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. While being taken to prison, he told the king again, God is Good & Perfect. Another day, the king left alone for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. On the altar, the savages found out that the king didn't have one finger in place, he was released because he was considered not "complete" to be offered to the gods. On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said; My friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let go. But I have a question; If God is so good, why did He allow me to put you in prison? His servant replied; My king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and would have been sacrificed, because I have no missing finger. Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose. God knows why you are reading this message today, please bless someone with it by sharing it. God is good and perfect!! My dear friend, a good attitude will determine your altitude. When you look at your life, career, job or family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame the Satan? A good attitude towards God makes Him move on your behalf.


 25/02/2021 Thursday was an important day in my life. Its my final exam. Ending of my collage life. I was so anxious about my exams. I does not study my chapters. There was a long break between me and my course due to COVID. Then one day a news struck my ears, my exam is on 25th of February. I have only a week to complete my chapter. I don't know anything. I got anxious. When I open my notes I can't remember what it is. i tried to study, but after some times I feel dizzy and went to watch movies. As days passed  I can't complete half of my portions. I Couldn't control my feelings, I am so worried and thinks, what do I do if I fails in this exam. my whole career is depending on it. I called many of relatives and said them to pray for my exams. Instead of studying at that time I continued watching movies and sometimes reading my notes. On the day before my exam I was walking back and  forth babbling about my exam. I prayed to god to help me to pass my exams.

                                                     On 25th morning my friends cam to my house. They said we don't study anything and we can write bits for exam. I lost my hopes in passing my exam. I can't sit anywhere calmly. We went to collage in the noon time (12.00pm). our exam was on 2.00PM. As I entered the exam hall I felt my heart beating heavily and wished for the world to end in-front of me. It was so hard for me to start my exam because I cannot concentrate on what I am doing. As the exam starts my mind gets calm, and finds it was not tough. I thanked God Almighty for helping me. I tried to help my friends in the exam too. At last i completed my exam and went out of the hall in a complete happiness and thanked all of my relatives for praying for me. I heard of a proverb that says ''If you do your part, rest will be done by God".

Shenae Grimes-Beach Going back to LA

 We recently went back to LA for the first time since moving and... I was sad.

But not in the way I expected I might be upon returning to my home of 13 years. You see, the sadness I felt wasn’t sadness because I missed the familiarity of the weather or my old neighborhood or even my friends. Though sometimes, of course, I do. The sadness that crept up my spine and back into my bones came from the familiarity of something I don’t miss at all. A heavy, overwhelming, panic-inducing feeling that lived with me in LA for all those years. The feeling of being transient. I, much like many who live in LA, was a transient being, desperately trying to prove I was worthy of existing in this highly-coveted corner of the world.

My sadness today comes from my full heart breaking a little for myself, because I felt like I needed to stay here for so long. I believed that if I left, it’d mean I gave up on my dreams and in a way, I did. I gave up on the “dreams” that belonged to 10-year-old me who wanted to push everyone out of the way and take center stage at her dance recital. They weren’t mine anymore. The dreams I yearn for are comfort, security, giving and receiving love, sharing compassion and thoughtful consideration and to be the kind of woman my children felt safe with and look up to. I couldn’t fully become her until I stepped out of the sea of “dream” chasers in LA. Here I was again, temporarily being tossed in the current alongside them once more. Only this time, I wasn’t swimming or treading feverishly to keep my head above water or worse yet, slowly drowning alongside them.

I’m floating in a raft calmly on the surface and want to swiftly pull as many of their desperate souls aboard with me to give them some deserved relief. But, I can’t. Only they can come to the realization that the relief they seek and deserve isn’t treasure hidden somewhere in this deep sea of “dreams”.

Ruth Wilson's Disappearance.

 Ruth Wilson's disappearance

Teenager Ruth Wilson vanished without a trace in 1995 from Box Hill and the truth about where she went, and whether she is still alive, has never been proven.

She was 16 at the time and a pupil of Dorking's Ashcombe School. On the night of November 27, 1995 she got a taxi from Dorking's main railway station to the top of Box Hill at 4.30pm.

And then, nothing.

Ruth Wilson went missing November 1995

She remains missing to this day and naturally the area was searched at the time, and fresh appeals have been made every few years.

A documentary released in 2018 claimed to shed new light on her disappearance, after a journalist and ex-Met Police detective took a fresh look at it and interviewed her old school friends.

It is claimed that the truth about her mother's death was kept from her and she had discussed running away when she found out. However Ruth's family took no part in the documentary and Surrey Police said it is keeping an "open mind" about what happened. To this day she is still missing.

Missing boy James Chavez story.

 'Everything has been completely false': Missing kid's auntie believes he's dead as cops find and capture mother, who was hanging out for quite a long time.                                     

*James Avi Chavez and DLanny Reaneille Chairez* 
'Everything has been clearly false': Missing kid's auntie believes he's dead as cops find and capture mother, who was hanging out for quite a long time 
The auntie of a missing San Antonio kid says she fears the most noticeably terrible as specialists proceed with the quest for him. 
As CrimeOnline recently revealed, police discovered 20-year-old D'Lanny Reaneille Chairez on Tuesday, after relatives said that Chairez and her child, 18-month-old James Avi Chavez, had been absent since around January 4. James was not with Chairez when police captured her. She's since been accused of relinquishing or jeopardizing a kid. 
It's indistinct how specialists discovered Chairez, yet they said she was shifty during addressing, particularly about her child. 
As per a capture oath, Chairez enlightened examiners that she thought regarding surrendering her child for reception. She guaranteed that she needed her child "to be in a superior spot," because of her psychological well-being issues. Chairez would later tell agents that she parted with her child to various individuals, however didn't supply any extra data. 
Relatives supposedly said that they haven't seen Chairez or her child since Thanksgiving 2020, San Antonio Express-News reports. Surveillance cameras spotted Chairez alone at a Walgreens in San Antonio, trailed by security film of her at the VIA bus stop, off of U.S. 90 and S.W. Military Drive, on February 24. 
Chairez's auntie, Marisol Gomez, addressed KENS 5 about the occurrence and said she hadn't seen James in months, in spite of requesting to visit him on various events. Gomez allegedly said that Chairez consistently had a pardon to keep anybody from visiting James, for example, the child being offered away to companions or family or that he was resting at that point. 
Gomez told the power source she talked with Children's Protective Service about the youngster. Gomez was educated nothing should be possible since Chairez is the organic mother and has authority of the kid. 
The next day, Gomez addressed Chairez and got some information about the child. 
"I asked her immediately, 'Where's James? Where is he?' She simply inhales and she resembles, 'I surrendered him for reception.' And I mean, I'm crazy, I'm crying, I'm attempting to get why, I'm asking her, 'Why? Why?' And she just said she attempted and she didn't need James to carry on with the sort of everyday routine that she would have been experiencing." 
Gomez evidently begged Chairez to get the child back, yet Chairez purportedly said she proved unable, adding that the kid was presently with a couple she known for a couple of years. Chairez never gave several's names, Gomez said. 
"You're parting with your youngster, for what reason didn't you offer them the chance record?" Gomez pondered while talking with KENS 5. "For what reason didn't you give them the Social Security card? Why not give them his wellbeing envelope? For what reason didn't you give them each one of those diapers, you know, instances of diapers that you had there, the instances of wipes, the garments, the toys, everything was there." 
On February 22, Gomez went to Chairez's home, where she tracked down a bleeding bunk cover and promptly called the police. Specialists later affirmed that they tracked down a ridiculous "den sheet" while looking through the property. 
Gomez presently imagines that the kid is dead, founded on the numerous supposed irregularities by Chairez. 
"Everything to this point has prompted — her activities right presently are talking noisily," Gomez said. "That is to say, however hard as it very well might be, I don't believe (he's alive), on the grounds that all that she says has been clearly false." 
James is 2-feet-6-inches tall and weighs around 28 pounds. He has earthy colored eyes and blondish earthy colored hair. Anybody with data on his whereabouts should call the police division's Missing Person's Unit at 210-207-7660. 
Chairez stays in a correctional facility on a $250,000 bond.

The Bible and Vaccinations.

Alright I am going to share what I know to be the facts of these 💉in order for them to line up with Bible prophecy. Then we can look at it from both sides, which there is no other side for me. Shall we take a look?

Revelation 13:16-18 says,
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” 18 Here is wisdom.
Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
So we see here that we need the name of the Beast, the number of the Beast, and also it says that it has to be in their right hand or forehead.


So from my research and study
what I have found to be the absolute truth is:

1) This vaccine alters our God given DNA 🧬 with a synthetic RNA Gene that’s unchanging.
It’s component is the Certificate Of Verification ID
which = COVD 👋🏼
Have you heard of ID2020?
It’s for personal digital identity.
And it was patented by Microsoft with the number
WO2020060606 = 666

2) they have the name of the Beast Luciferase in them thus
creating a [Lucifer - Race ] a race the devil is trying to make his own just like the Most High.

3) the definition of hand in Hebrew means the entire limb stretching out from the shoulder to the finger tips. [thus meaning your arm]

4) they are now requiring you to have this 💉 in Israel to get into for shopping for food, etc and they are being scanned on their right hand upon entrance, it is called the Green Pass.

5) they have aborted fetuses in them from human child sacrifices to BAAL so when you take them in your temple,
you become the temple of BAAL & not GOD’S any longer.
God does not dwell in man made temples [Acts 7:48]
and we are the temple now
[1 Cor. 3:17, 1 Cor. 6:20,
1 Cor. 6:16; see
also Romans 12:1
and 1 Peter 2:5]
Remember the blood 🩸of murdered babies blood cries out from the ground, will it now
cry out from your veins?
As in the days of Noah,
so it shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.
It causes the abomination of desolation in your temple, making you an empty vessel now for possession 🤚🏼 and makes you the dwelling place of Satan now and not God because you’ve given him permission now to enter into your temple.

6) the Bible says that he causes all both great and small to take the M@rk, and that by all nations they were deceived by sorcery.
Which the 💉 are most definitely sorcery which is pharmakia.
[Revelation 18:23]
They are now requiring proof of this 💉 in the USA to attend special events like concerts, and football games etc. which is the start of Revelation 13:17 causing you to not be able to buy those things for the meantime and is soon to be implemented as full on proof of v@€€ination or mark to buy food in the very near future just like Israel. 🇮🇱

7) the name “mark” in Greek is
“Charagma” [G5482] meaning a stamp or impress as in Revelation 13:16, 17 etc.
* also means the word “stigma” in Greek [4742] and it denotes
a “tattooed mark” or a mark burnt in a brand [Lucifer - race]
or the word “stizo” meaning to prick. [the injection]

8)There is a physical mark and a spiritual mark that is happening and will happen after taking them. We are marked and sealed either by God or sealed and marked by Satan.
2 Timothy 2:19 says,
“Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.””

9) they are trying to corrupt the dna 🧬 and flesh of man as it says in the Bible that no flesh would be saved according to
Matthew 24:22 and Mark 13:20.

10) it says in the Bible that there will be a great falling away 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 and this is the great falling away from the faith which God is sending a strong delusion that they should believe a lie, rather then reject the truth of Christ and His Word.



Here is the information ℹ️
for you to look into, study for yourself, pray about and get the same confirmation as I did
and many others about these vaxx’s. I truly hope and pray that you can start to see things now, and the bigger picture and that there is a bigger agenda.



Nicole confession of abuse

My story

Hi my name is Nicole but some of you might know me as neekolul. I wanted to come out and

talk about my abuser and the 7 years of abuse he put me through from 15-22. I’m lucky that I’m

now in a loving and stable relationship but I felt like I needed to come out as it has weighed on

me for years and I never truly addressed it. This is going to be super long so the TLDR: it came

out a while ago but was recently brought up again that I got in trouble for hitting my abuser, and

some people have characterized me as an abuser... For 7 years leading up to that moment I

endured beatings, verbal and mental abuse, social isolation, public humiliation and more. I know

some people just get a kick out of trolling me and saying I’m an abuser or crazy, but I hope this

will clear everything up for anyone out there who actually thinks I’m a bad person... I’m tired of

being quiet and people thinking the person who beat me for years deserves sympathy.

The abuse started when I was 15 years old. It included emotional, mental and physical abuse.

He started out by accusing me of cheating for simply wearing a skirt or speaking to a male

classmate - he used this as an excuse to hurt me, which at first started out as pushing, shoving,

and twisting/pinching sensitive areas of my body. From the ages of 15-18 the abuse escalated

as time went on: slapping, choking, slamming me, threatening my life at knife point, threatening

his life, threatening to hurt both of us (ex. Driving violently in the car threatening to crash it),

gaslighting, taking my belongings and breaking them (phones,things of sentimental value etc),

and public humiliation (ex. trying to make me look crazy or dumb to other people to isolate me),

and so much more. I don’t know what other things you classify as abuse but this is also around

the time that he started to take advantage of me financially which only escalated as I grew into


Something that I’ve seen people say to abuse victims is “why didn’t you tell anyone?” As toxic

as that question is, I tried. As a scared teenager it was hard, and in the end I felt a weird need to

protect him. When he broke my glasses out of anger I tried to tell his mom, she insinuated I was

lying... I got scared and out of not wanting to get him in trouble and I changed my story and said

we both probably broke them. When I showed his dad that he slapped me with a picture as

proof, he proceeded to act like he cared but in the end his dad only took away his phone for a

couple of days and it was brushed under the rug.

I told the police at one point that I wanted to press charges with picture proof and text

messages. The officer’s words still ring in my head that “you are too young to be going through

this, you should rethink if you want to do this” I responded that I still wanted to press charges

and he still tried talking me out of it, saying something along the lines of “Are you sure? Really

think about it” as a scared teenager I thought he must know better and I didn’t pursue it further.

Lastly, at a church youth retreat I invited him to, my abuser publicly manhandled me out of anger

in front of the group where the youth leaders noticed. They asked me what was going on and I

decided not to say anything as I was scared. I just said “he’s mean to me sometimes” despite

this they still decided there was probably abuse going on... instead of speaking with my parents

in a private caring manner, they decided to have a very public discussion, with 15 or so people,about whether I was being abused or not. This caused an already humiliating, somewhat private

situation to turn into a large public humiliation that created stress within my family which made

me dig deeper into my hole, wanting to hide my abuse and pushing everyone further away.

From the ages of 19-21 the abuse got far worse - everything i mentioned above but more

severe and more frequent. He started closed fist beating me almost every time he saw me, we

were breaking up and getting back together every other week. He would strategically hit me

behind my head to avoid visible bruises. Some hits would slip so I would get a small bruise on

my cheek or arms.

When I decided I finally decided I needed to break up with him for good the abuse got even

worse. He was especially threatened at the possibility of me actually truly leaving bc I had been

pouring my free time into streaming so I had company no matter what. He couldn’t push my

community away from me and I had something to always look forward to that wasn’t him. He

began harassing me endlessly all day, non stop for phone was literally unusable as

it was constant calls and texts from him. He got tired of this so he decided to come to my home

while my parents weren’t home and harass me in person, banging on my front door screaming,

threatening to run his car through my door. He had done this multiple times in the past, he would

show up and then leave...but this time he wouldn’t leave, he stayed at my door screaming even

though I told him to please leave as my parents would be home soon. I was frantically trying to

get him to leave, I put my hand through the door (my hand was between the mental door and

the doorframe) trying to push him away as he banged on the door, begging him to please leave.

When my arm was half way out of the door he grabbed my arm with one hand and the door with

his other hand and started slamming the door into my arm multiple times as it was caught in the

door frame. At this point I was so scared, I called the police directly (not 911) and I told them

that there was an abusive ex boyfriend who was harassing me and I felt in danger. Still

protecting him, I told them I just wanted the officers to tell him to go away but not arrest him...

this was because he didn’t have the financial means to get out of a situation that lands him in jail

and I didn’t want that for him, I just needed him to leave. Officers came shortly and asked him to

leave. They asked if he had abused me before and I told them yes and they just made note of it

and got him to leave. Even after this incident he still continued to harass me, spam texting and

calling me constantly for weeks... I finally gave in and I stupidly decided to hear what he had to

say. After agreeing to meet and talk he decided to ditch me and instead went out with people

and ignored me. After harassing me endlessly the moment I decide to hear him out he ignores

me - this is the type of mental manipulation I was used to. He hurts me, harasses me until I

break down and agree to talk, then once he has power back puts me down and let’s me know

my place. I made the decision to confront him as I had been through so much and this showed

that he still didn’t care - I should have never even bothered but I did.

I went to his house to confront him about this as he was just arriving home. When I got there I

was visibly upset - silently crying waterfalls and I said I just wanted to talk. I asked him why he

was doing all this, what’s the point of manipulating me and harassing me for weeks to just act

like I’m nothing but a chew toy to tear up and mistreat, treating me exactly like he was treating

me that led me to leave in the first place. And he ofc had a “this is a bother and I could careless” attitude. This was so upsetting and the conversation turned into an argument that

escalated... he raised his arms and I felt threatened due to everything I had been enduring. I

wasn’t going to just get beaten again so I hit him to which he called the police and I ended up in

jail in my pajamas for 5 hrs. After all these years of receiving abuse I’m the one who ends up

getting in trouble... I’ve seen a lot of people saying crazy stuff online but my only punishment

was 12 classes of anger management and 1 yr of good behavior and it would be dropped. The

judge took into consideration my situation - everything I had been through and saw I wasn’t a

dangerous person. He even removed the automatically applied restraining order which is

apparently very rare which I think shows people recognized I wasn’t the one causing problems.

Even after ALL OF THAT, in my terrible mental state I decided to try and work things out with

him. This obviously caused a ton of issues at home, my parents of course wanted me to have

nothing to do with him but here I was, still with my abuser after all this. Before the incident my

parents didn’t know very much but by this time my parents knew everything. His abuse towards

me stayed mostly mental and emotional for the couple months after the incident. During this

period I was in a limbo/shock still recovering from the mental impact this whole situation had on

me. I registered for my anger management classes and before I began them there was a

therapy session to evaluate my thinking etc. and after that session it was like a switch turned on.

The therapist told me “you can’t control others you can only control yourself” and I’m not sure

why that just stuck with me with such clarity. I left that session ready to leave him... shortly after

that I broke up with him for the final time. After this we went through phases where he’d try and

get back together with me and there were times that I felt bad and helped him out emotionally or

financially, even letting him live with me for a short period - it just goes to show how bad of a

mental place I was in... it got to a point where he continued harassing me and trying to isolate

me from my stream and new friends, that I threatened to call the cops to get a restraining order.

Like always I decided to protect him as he had his “dream job” and that would ruin it for him, so I

didn’t follow through... I told him this was it though, that I couldn’t do it anymore and never

wanted to speak to him again, I changed all my passwords, my phone number, everything.

I felt like I needed to talk about my experience as a victim of abuse in hopes that abuse is taken

more seriously. Victims are manipulated or scared of their abuser so sometimes they stay silent.

Abuse like the domestic abuse I was receiving puts you in a literal mental prison that took a hold

of me from a young age. Violence is never the answer and I should have never stooped to his

level and I wish I stood up for myself and left for good sooner. My desire to be silent was the

reason things got bad for me, I couldn’t speak up. I was looked down on by peers and adults

that were supposed to be people you can count on and should look up to. A lot of the times I

tried to speak up I heard “why don’t you just leave then” which at the time I didn’t know how to

answer and it made me feel like why even bother I’ll go through this myself. I get comments

“have u hit ur new boyfriend yet”... comments like these are extremely hurtful, the time after I got

arrested my abuser showed me the pamphlets and flyers he was provided (abuse victim

materials) where he could get help as an abuse victim... and I don’t think ever in my life I felt so

wronged and let down, to this day I feel disgusting thinking about that. I decided to speak up

today because1. I refuse to have people think I’m this violent abuser who hurt someone for no reason

2. I refuse to give my abuser the power of my silence for another day and have people not know

my story.

3. This is my big step into my healing process and going into therapy.

I know this was super long and thanks for reading if you’ve gotten this far even if you skimmed

it... In conclusion I know there will be people out there that won’t believe me. I don’t have

evidence for most of this, my own parents didn’t know about the abuse for years. I felt like not

speaking out about my story, seeing how times I fell silent, dug me into a deeper cycle of mental

pain and at the end of the day I deserve to live in peace and I won’t let anyone invalidate me

ever again.

Thank you,


Source:twitter neekolul @neekolul

Vaccines and the bible.

 We’ve been tightened right in our neck. [Papacy is the one enforced ecumenism-which is the climax of great controversy between evil and good.


The covid vaccine contained biometric ID such as chip & drugs, it is one of a monitoring rope that will tangle all humanity to worship in ecumenical worship (one worship) on the set day of papacy (Sunday) & also depopulate humanity. The economy rapidly turned to digital economy-we now in a cashless society-The financial management system are set and connect with banks. The banking system now turned to biometric system of banking & digital. If money is turned to digital, & stored in the grain chip as unit of all individual , the buying & selling will be difficult for those people who reject the biometric system because the biometric system work best with digital economy. The million transaction takes place in a day, their receipt automatically will retrieve to financial management system -it will be like a flex unit that you sent and received a reply that you have sent it to that particular number. Only few in the department head will monitor all million tractions of buying and selling & this is how,  they will cause all small, great rich and poor to worship the devil in ecumenical worship in trinity-the heathen god of catholic.

In 2022, we will use biometric system of voting in Papua New Guinea. The Smart Matic biometric Voter verification is the machine we will us. It was  tested in the Black Nation of Uganda in 12th of January 2021 in 34 684 polling station & successfully help 18.1 million people to vote for their president.

The device will match the voters’ National Identification number with the biometric ID in a chip, that is why the National Identification, they said that it is very important & government enforced to take  . The biometric ID now placed in the covid vaccine- (please let NOT PNG government to allow covid vaccine injected.)The biometric Id ( Identification ) legally started in developing nations-It’s already progressed  in Nigeria and India & many kids were killed-this is the act of depopulation and set up new world order.

The  19.6 goal of united nation state that by law, all developing countries will be involved in taking  Biometric ID & in 2030, they will finalized biometric identification for every single human being on this planet earth. Irespond & SIMPRINT organization is the inventor of these devices.  The evil organization of Jesuits like Freemasons, Illuminai , knights of colombus, skull and bone etc ,controlled government, banks, businesses, churches, schools and all organization. These organization worked together and implementing their evil policies such as sim registration, business registration, NID, Land registration, biometric system, digital economy, single currencies, ecumenical worship etc. We are in the sad hour , rise up to see, the lord is coming swiftly and suddenly like a thief in the night. Revelation 13 will literally fulfill right in front of  our eyes.[](

The Woman on Whites Bridge.

This happened path back in October of 2006. Around then I was only a 19-year-old child consistently keeping watch for experience. One Friday night subsequent to wrapping up my work day at McDonalds, I got together for certain companions who proposed we look at this "spooky" area called Whites Bridge. My one pal Brandon said he had as of late found out about it and started revealing to us the legends related with the 100 year-old wood covered scaffold. Never one to turn down a creepy encounter, we as a whole packed into my green Ford Taurus and took off on our excursion. 

Brandon gave headings, managing me off the principle street and inside the space of minutes we were on the earth country roads, encircled by woods and cornfields. Our lone perspective was a flickering cell tower off somewhere out there. We could tell we were getting further from the city as our phones started gradually losing administration. As we rode further and more profound into what honestly felt like unquestionably the center of no place, Brandon rehashed the legend related with the extension... 

Back in the mid 1900's, a neighborhood rancher found that his cherished spouse had been undermining him, and angrily he slaughtered her and her darling in the wake of finding them in the demonstration. In the wake of submitting the cutthroat homicide, the rancher left his home and meandered the country roads in a surprise. He at last happened upon White's Bridge where the acknowledgment of what he had done at last started to soak in, and concluding he would prefer to kick the bucket than face the outcomes of his activities, he lifted a rope over-top one of the scaffold's rafters and hung himself. Apparently now, the story is finished fiction, however we completely trusted it at that point. 

After a long and uneven ride, Brandon educated me to go right on a rough terrain I wouldn't have even seen was there had he not called attention to it. I proceeded and there before us was Whites Bridge. It looked like something straight out of a blood and gore movie; an old wood covered extension, matured by time, sitting alone over a stream somewhere down in the center of no place. We left the vehicle out and about and got out to investigate. 

Promptly getting our eyes was a scarecrow lying deserted at the passageway to the scaffold. My companion Mike who was known as fairly a daring individual, and an idiotic one at that, gotten the scarecrow and lit it ablaze. The roughage body burst up into a bundle of flares and Mike waved it around gladly close to the old dry wood connect. Understanding the danger, I advised him to toss the damn thing in the stream and put it out. Which fortunately he did. 

Subsequent to ensuring there weren't any maverick coals that could light the scaffold, Brandon proposed we get back in the vehicle and maneuver it onto the extension. He clarified that the legend was that on the off chance that you left your vehicle in the scaffold, put it in impartial and executed the motor, the soul of the dead rancher would push the vehicle forward to get it off the extension. Normally, we needed to attempt this. 

We heaped back in and did precisely as he said. We stopped most of the way across the dilapidated old scaffold and murdered the motor. We sat in the completely dark, saying nothing, sitting tight for something, anything, to occur. The solitary sounds were the squeaking of the extension, the waterway streaming underneath us... also, FOOTSTEPS!? Out of nowhere the back drivers side entryway opens and a lady unexpectedly enters the secondary lounge, packing in close to my two companions back there. She seemed to be in her late 20's/mid 30's, long straight dark hair, thin, and wearing a plaid shirt and Levis. 

It's been some time however this is basically how I recollect the discussion going: "I saw your fire signal for me," she said. "Uhhh, stand by, what," I answered, completely went ballistic and at a total speechlessness. "I'm so happy you came, my sweethearts vehicle stalled down that way, I need a ride back." My mind was putting forth a valiant effort to register the circumstance. "I'm unfortunately who are you?" I asked, "what are you doing around here?" "I advised you," she reacted briefly, "my beaus vehicle stalled over yonder, would you be able to kindly give me a ride so I don't need to walk right back!?" She was pointing ahead, towards a limited street that forked off to one side on the opposite side of the scaffold. My companion Mike, the scarecrow burner and ever the respectable men added: "I mean, on the off chance that you need a spot to remain you're very free to come crash at my place. I got a lot to drink and-" I intruded on him: "No, woman, tune in, I'm grieved, I don't have the foggiest idea what your identity is, you just got in my vehicle and this is all truly abnormal. You could be a hatchet killer as far as I might be aware and - I'm heartbroken, you need to get out." She scowled at me in the rearview reflect, if looks could execute I woulda been accomplished for. "However, you motioned for me," she reacted in a bothered tone. "We weren't motioning for you! Get out!" 

She let out a furious moan and got out, strolling back toward the path from which she came and vanishing into the evening. I turned over the motor right up and took a gander at my companions. They all had looks of incredulity all over. Without saying a word I put the vehicle in drive and gradually moved forward and off the extension. We expected to pivot and return across the extension to return to where we had come from, and the best way to do that was to maneuver onto the side street that the lady said her beaus vehicle had stalled on, and afterward opposite. 

As I maneuvered onto the side street, my headlights enlightened the 3 posted signs that I wasn't ready to see from the extension: "No Trespassing", "Private Property", and "Don't Enter". Looking into the street, there was no indication of the lady, any place she went it didn't show up she went that way. I would not like to stay however, so I upheld up and crossed the scaffold once more, and from that point started the excursion home. We didn't have a lot to say on the ride home. I think we were all similarly dazed... with the exception of Mike, who inquired as to whether he knew anybody that would be conscious at this hour that he could score some weed from. 

I visited Whites Bridge a couple different occasions from that point forward, yet nothing significant occurred in my resulting visits. Tragically, a few reprobates torched the old Whites Bridge a few years prior. It was modified, yet from what I hear it's simply not equivalent to the first. I don't have any designs to proceed to look at it.

Sarah Everard story.

Sarah Everard: body found in Kent forest is that of missing lady 

Stays found in Kent forest is that of 33-year-old who disappeared in south London a week ago. 

Police say they have recuperated and distinguished the assemblage of Sarah Everard. 

The Metropolitan police collaborator official Nick Ephgrave made the declaration on Friday evening. It followed the disclosure of human remaining parts discharged in forest in Kent on Wednesday. 

Ephgrave said: "The body has now been recuperated and a proper distinguishing proof system has been embraced. I would now be able to affirm that it is the assemblage of Sarah Everard." 

A serving Met official has been captured on doubt of the grab and murder of the 33-year-old promoting leader. He stays in guardianship. 

Everard was most recently seen on 3 March heading back home in south London. 

Ephgrave said Everard's family had been educated.
"Expert officials stay in consistent contact with Sarah's family, and will keep on supporting them all through the examination and past," he said. "That examination proceeds at a speed and we have many officials working nonstop to set up the full conditions of Sarah's vanishing and her homicide." 

With vigils challenging brutality against ladies anticipated this end of the week – which police are cautioning may penetrate lockdown rules – Ephgrave said: "I realize that the public feel hurt and furious about what has occurred and those are suppositions that I share actually and I know my partners here at Scotland Yard and across the Met share too. 

"I additionally perceive the more extensive worries that are being raised appropriately about the security of ladies out in the open spaces in London and furthermore somewhere else in the country. 

"This association and the people in it stay focused on securing Londoners, any place they are in this city. That responsibility is undiminished by these occasions and on the off chance that anything that responsibility is fortified by these appalling conditions." 

Everard disappeared subsequent to going out in Clapham, south London, at about 9pm on 3 March. She is accepted to have strolled through Clapham Common on her path home to Brixton, an excursion that ought to have required around 50 minutes. During that walk she chatted on the telephone to her beau. 

Her vanishing set off a police examination, with analysts scouring CCTV, video doorbell and transport camera film for any piece of information concerning what befell her. 

Video taken from a doorbell camera caught Everard on the A205 Poynders Road strolling towards Tulse Hill – the last known locating of her. 

She was most recently seen wearing a green downpour coat, naval force blue pants with a white precious stone example and turquoise and orange coaches, and may likewise have had on green headphones and a white beanie cap.

Tokyo olympics🤔

 Tokyo 2020 Olympics Will Go Ahead in March 2021 But Foreign Visitors Will Be Banned.

Covid-19 in Brescia.

 A 160-bed hospital in the northern Italian province of Brescia has no more space for COVID-19 patients stricken with the highly contagious coronavirus variant first identified in Britain. Other hospitals in the area are on high alert.

Black lives matter😶😮🤨

 The attorney for George Floyd's family says he expects the defense in the upcoming trial will "attack [Floyd's] character in order to divert attention away from Derek Chauvin."

Oprah Winfrey interview😮🤨🤔

 Queen holds crisis summit with Charles and William after Oprah interview – ‘horror’☠☠

Juliane Koepcke story.

 Juliane Koepcke was the sole survivor aboard LANSA Flight 508, she lived in the jungle for 11 days following the crash

On Christmas Eve 1971, Juliane Koepcke was all set home for these special seasons. At the point when she loaded onto LANSA Flight 508 at the Lima Airport in Peru with her mom, Maria, Koepcke thought it was simply be one more day, however when the plane was hit by lightning over the Peruvian rainforest it was definitely not conventional.

Koepcke endure a two-mile fall into the wilderness, and at only 17 years of age she moved however the trees with a need to get to security. She had a wrecked collarbone, cuts across her body and cracked tendons in her knee, yet she could walk, so that is the thing that she did.

Isolated in the wilderness, Koepcke dodged hazardous creatures, drained parasites out of her injuries, and made due on only a sack of sweets that she found prior to dropping in a hovel that she happened upon en route. At the point when she woke up she was encircled by a gathering of local people. She told the BBC:

"When [the locals] saw me, they were frightened and quit talking. They thought I was a sort of water goddess - a figure from nearby legend who is a half and half of a water dolphin and a blondie, white-cleaned lady. I presented myself in Spanish and clarified what had occurred. They treated my injuries and gave me something to eat and the following day returned me to progress. The day after my salvage, I saw my dad. He could scarcely talk and in the principal second we just held one another."

Womens day🤣😅😂

 if you single out trans women in women's day, youre a disgrace of a human being😂😅🤣


 U.S. Restores Sanctions On Israeli Billionaire Who Had Been Granted Reprieve By Trump Administration.🤔😮🤨

Harry and meghan🤔


Leaving The ‘Firm’: Harry And Meghan’s Sad, Courageous But Necessary Choice To Separate From A Failing Family Business.🤨😮🤔


 If Steph left the warriors to join LeBron, I’d quit basketball and delete my account and start focusing on family lol.😅😂🤣

U.S. Airlines.

 U.S. airlines and travel groups urged the government to take the lead in developing standards for temporary Covid-19 health credentials that would help reopen global travel.

Oprah Winfrey's interview


Oprah Winfrey’s Prince Harry and Meghan interview netted her $7 million and 17 million viewers. It also validated her larger business strategy.😮

Mother and daughter held in linden man murder.😐🤔🤨

 Mother, little girl captured over associated murder of Linden man 

A mother and her girl have been taken into police guardianship over the associated murder with a 47-year-elderly person of Linden, Region Ten (Upper Demerara-Berbice). 

The dead man has been distinguished as Samuel DeSouza, a worker of Victory Valley, Wismar. He is suspected to have been killed somewhere in the range of 21:00hrs and 21:30hrs on Saturday. 

The man, who lived alone, apparently had a modification with the mother. The mother and girl would have later stood up to the worker. 

Reports are that the worker in this manner fled through a track prompting his home. About 30 minutes after the fact, two men educated the mother and girl that the man was dead. 

The Police, on landing in the scene, seen that the man was lying on his back in the track before his home. 

A wooden-handle stick was noticed laying on the man's body. Three blades and a screwdriver were found in his jeans midriff. His mouth and right ear had what had all the earmarks of being blood. Police noted excessively that there were "shallow wounds" seen on the uncovered pieces of his body. 

The body was accompanied to the Linden Hospital Complex where it was analyzed by a specialist who articulated him dead on appearance. An after death will be directed. 

Then, the mother and daughter were captured and put into guardianship helping the police in their examination.

Cocaine bust at CJIA Guyana.

 3.3kg of cocaine busted in saltfish at CJIA 

Positions of the Customs Anti-Narcotics United (CANU) earlier today blocked some 3.3 kilograms of cocaine in bundles bound for Miami, United States America (USA). 

The bust was made at a load shed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). 

CANU, in an articulation, said it uncovered 280 bits of plastic wrapped pencil molded packages of associated cocaine covered up during the bones with salted fish expected for trade. 

A sum of six people are right now in care forthcoming examination.

Black lives matters George Floyd's case. 👍

  Jury determination for a previous Minneapolis cop charged in George Floyd's passing was stopped before it started Monday by the state's work to add a third-degree murder allegation. 

As many nonconformists energized outside the town hall to call for Derek Chauvin's conviction, Judge Peter Cahill said he didn't have purview to manage on whether an exhaustive cross-examination murder allegation ought to be restored while the issue is being advanced. 

Cahill at first controlled jury determination would start as booked, yet after examiners requested the Court from Appeals to require the case to be postponed, the appointed authority sent the potential attendants home for the afternoon and the remainder of the day was spent decision on movements. Cahill later said jury choice would continue Tuesday banning a request from the redrafting court. 

There was no sign when that court will run, yet a hold could postpone Chauvin's preliminary for quite a long time. 

Investigators and protection lawyers consented to excuse 16 of the initial 50 members of the jury they evaluated "for cause" in view of their responses to a long survey. These excusals weren't bantered in court, yet can occur for a large group of reasons, for example, a perspectives that show a member of the jury can't be fair. 

Chauvin is accused of second-degree murder and homicide in Floyd's passing. The Court of Appeals a week ago arranged Cahill to consider reestablishing a third-degree murder accusation that he had excused. Lawful specialists say restoring the charge would improve the chances of getting a conviction. Chauvin's lawyer, Eric Nelson, said Monday he would ask the state Supreme Court to audit the issue. 

For the unexpected second-degree murder allegation, investigators need to demonstrate Chauvin's direct was a "considerable causal factor" in Floyd's passing, and that Chauvin was submitting lawful offense attack at that point. For third-degree murder, they should demonstrate that Chauvin's activities caused Floyd's passing, and that his activities were crazy and without respect for human existence. 

Floyd was pronounced dead May 25 after Chauvin, who is white, squeezed his knee against the Black man's neck for around nine minutes, standing firm on his footing even after Floyd went limp. Floyd's passing started some of the time vicious fights in Minneapolis and past, and prompted a cross country figuring on race. 

Chauvin and three different officials were terminated; the others face an August preliminary on helping and abetting charges. 

Many individuals accumulated external the town hall as procedures started, many conveying signs that read, "Equity for George Floyd" and "Convict Killer Cops." 

One speaker, DJ Hooker, took a receiver and discredited the solid boundaries beat by steel fencing, spiked metal and razor wire set up around the town hall, and scorned discussion of the Chauvin preliminary as "the preliminary of the century," saying the jury essentially should "make the best decision." 

He drove the group in serenades of "The entire world is watching!" 

Inside the court, Chauvin, in a blue suit and dark veil, followed the procedures mindfully, making notes on a lawful cushion. Nobody went to help him. Bridgett Floyd, George Floyd's sister, sat in the seat allotted to Floyd's family. 

A short time later, Floyd said her family is happy the preliminary has at long last shown up and is "petitioning God for equity." 

"I sat in the town hall today and took a gander at the official who took my sibling's life," she said. "That official took an extraordinary man, an incredible dad, an extraordinary sibling, a distant uncle." 

Jury could require in any event three weeks, as investigators and guard lawyers attempt to remove individuals who might be one-sided against them. 

Members of the jury should be at any rate 18, U.S. residents and occupants of Hennepin County. Potential attendants were sent polls to decide the amount they have caught wind of the case and whether they've framed any suppositions. Other than historical and segment data, members of the jury were gotten some information about earlier contacts with police, regardless of whether they have challenged police severity and whether they accept the equity framework is reasonable. 

A portion of the inquiries get explicit, for example, how frequently a potential hearer has watched the observer video of Floyd's capture, or whether they conveyed a sign at a dissent and what that sign said. 

Potential hearers will be addressed independently. The adjudicator, protection lawyer and examiners would all be able to pose inquiries. Notwithstanding the two sides having the option to contend for a limitless number of "for cause" excusals, the guard can protest up to 15 likely members of the jury without giving an explanation; examiners can obstruct to nine without giving an explanation. Either side can protest these authoritative difficulties in the event that they accept the sole purpose behind excluding a hearer is race or sexual orientation. 

A few attendants could stay on the board, regardless of whether they have had a negative association with the police or hold negative perspectives about Black Lives Matter, nearby safeguard lawyer Mike Brandt said. 

"We as a whole stroll into these with inclinations. The inquiry is, would you be able to set those predispositions aside and be reasonable for this situation," Brandt said. 

Jury determination will end after 14 individuals are picked — 12 hearers who will think the case and two substitutes who will not be important for consultations except if required. 

The soonest opening assertions will start is March 29.

African swine fever.

 African swine fever is re-emerging in Asia, threatening to upend efforts to replenish national herds after the virus killed tens of millions of pigs.

Help for Venezuelans who fled they home

 The Biden administration will offer temporary protected status to an estimated 320,000 Venezuelans who fled their home.                              The Biden Administration on Monday will offer transitory ensured status to an expected 320,000 Venezuelans who escaped their nation of origin, permitting them to lawfully remain and work in the U.S. 

Venezuelans who are acknowledged into the program will get brief migration status for year and a half, said a senior organization official who mentioned namelessness. They'll be needed to apply in the following 180 days, pay a charge, exhibit they were at that point dwelling in the U.S. also, go through a personal investigation. 

The move satisfies a mission guarantee by President Joe Biden, and is expected to flag a move from President Donald Trump, whose organization extradited Venezuelans for quite a long time while condemning the liberal legislature of President Nicolas Maduro. Liberals whined Trump's firm stance movement arrangements showed an absence of sympathy for individuals from a country that has endured a ruthless helpful emergency as Venezuela's economy fell. 

In any case, in Trump's last days in office, he approved a program known as Deferred Enforced Departure that offered work licenses and removal insurances to Venezuelans in the nation illicitly. That implies the pragmatic effect of Biden's move might be blunted, however the organization official said the TPS program offered extra legal confirmations and empowered Venezuelans in the U.S. to apply for the new contribution. 

The move may in any case help Biden strategically, especially among the Venezuelan-American populace in Florida. The president battled to prevail upon Latino electors in the state during the 2020 official political decision, and Democrats have said improving their remaining with those citizens will be vital in shielding their thin legislative greater parts. 

Organization authorities said Biden's methodology would build tension on Maduro. The organization has said it is checking on the authorizations set up by the Trump organization to pressure Venezuela's administration, and will hope to fabricate more global help to pressure.

Covid 19

 The White House now says all American adults will be able to get a Covid-19 vaccination by the end of May. Convincing a sizable portion of the U.S. public to be immunized is another matter.


 The ten years between 25 and 35 are far shorter than the four years between 14 and 18.🤨🤔😐


 Being wise young must be a curse. Older people find you smart but won’t listen because you are younger than them. People your age won’t listen because they don’t understand you.😐🤔🤨


 This reminds me of a time when I was 16 or 17 and I was walking to school in the middle of a really cold winter and it was a blizzard and this older lady stopped and asked me if she could drive me to school. Normally I wouldn't get into a stranger's car but this was a really small town and I didn't get any weird vibes from her. She was super nice and we talked about this and that for the 10 minute drive and it was one of the nicest things a stranger has ever done for me.❤


r/MadeMeSmile - He still has that blanket

Stories 😐😶


Sometimes we find love in unexpected places
r/MadeMeSmile - Sometimes we find love in unexpected places


 I know nobody cares but I am 1 year sober today. Few months in I decided to set another goal to work out at least 30 minutes a day. I have no one to share with so I am celebrating with you guys!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Struggle 😶

 You can’t quantify suffering, otherwise no one could vent about a fender bender because people are starving across the world.🖤

Struggle 💜

 Incoming anecdote! I've been homeless, a lot. To the point where if I lose everything again my BP probably won't even go up.

But that's me. It's difficult at times, but I have to remind myself that any rational person who hasn't been, let alone survived homelessness, probably loses sleep over even the thought of it, let alone the possibility, let alone actually losing everything.

Tl;dr: Everybody is different, has lived their own unique life and has developed different mental thresholds for difficulties. I would probably died if you asked me to speak in front of 20 people.🖤❤

Juanita OmaniWi Adams story.

Juanita was 19 years old when she left the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to protest with the American Indian Movement during their ...